Community Information

What 'Community' means to us.

Calwell Primary School strives to create and maintain authentic relationships within our community. Everyone plays a role is the academic, social and emotional development of children, and we believe strongly that we ALL have a role to play in the ongoing growth of our students.

We strongly encourage all families to be involved in their child's learning. When involved in your child's learning you model the value of education and forge deeper relationships with your children and wider community.

One way that you can develop your connection to the community is to read the Calwell Primary Community Newsletter

How can I be involved?

We welcome you to participate in school events, nominate for an official position on the Board or P&C. We also understand that some families are too busy to commit on an ongoing basis. For those families we ask that you are simply 'present' in your child's learning. What do you need to do to be present in your child's learning?

"The village raises the child…"
(African proverb, the exact origin seems to be lost in time)