Assessment forms a 'bridge between teaching and learning'.
There are two key forms of assessment at Calwell Primary:
Formative – Assessment for Learning
Summative – Assessment of Learning
- Consisting of high quality assessment tasks that align with the Achievement Standards
- Standardised and Diagnostic Testing (PIPS, NAPLAN, PAT)
Formative Assessment – Assessment For Learning
Formative assessment involves gathering evidence about student learning. This evidence is used by the teacher to provide feedback to the student, and to make decisions about the next step in instruction. The evidence is also used by the learner to gain an understanding of what they have achieved in relation to the learning goal and what is required to move forward. Formative assessment refers to the student and the teacher focussing on:
- Where is the learner now?
- Understanding the learning goal or learning intention
- Assessing (teacher/student) frequently; before, during and after to identify when and how to move learning forward (What is the next step?)
Key Strategies of Formative Assessment
- Understanding learning intentions and success criteria
- Effective classroom discussions and learning tasks that provide evidence of learning
- Providing feedback that moves learning forward
- Students are the owners of their learning
- Peer support
Summative Assessment – Assessment Of Learning
Summative Assessment includes Assessment of student learning and usually takes place after teaching and measures student growth.
Standardised and Diagnostic Testing
A range of standardised and diagnostic tools are sued across the school and thsi data is used to guide teaching and learning.
Standardised Testing includes:
- PIPS/NAPLAN (Year 3 & 5)
- PAT (Progressive Achievement testing) Maths (Semester 1 & 2) Years 1-6
Diagnostic Testing includes:
- PIPS - What literacy and numeracy understanding and skills do kindergarten students bring to school (Term 1) and after participating in the kindergarten program (Term 4)
- Pre & post testing (K-6) Knowledge before and after teaching and learning.
Assessment of the Australian Curriculum takes place in different levels and for different purposes, including:
- ongoing formative assessment within classrooms for the purposes of monitoring learning and providing feedback, to teachers to inform their teaching, and for students to inform their learning
- summative assessment for the purposes of twice-yearly reporting by the school to parents/ carers on the progress and achievement of students
- annual testing of Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 students' levels of achievement in aspects of literacy and numeracy, conducted as part of the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)
- periodic sample testing of specific learning areas within the Australian Curriculum as part of the National Assessment Program (NAP).
Implications for teaching, assessment and reporting - Australians Curriculum
Reporting Student Achievement
Teachers use the Australian Curriculum content and Achievement Standards
- to identify current levels of learning and achievement
- to select the most appropriate content (possibly from across several year levels) to teach individual students and/or groups of students.
Teachers also use the achievement standards at the end of a period of teaching to make on-balance judgements about the quality of learning demonstrated by the students - that is, whether they have achieved below, at or above the standard. To make these judgements, teachers draw on assessment data that they have collected as evidence during the course of the teaching period. These judgements about the quality of learning are one source of feedback to students and their parents and inform formal reporting processes.
Moderation is a key step undertaken by teachers to ensure a fair and accurate appraisal of student work.
- Teaching teams moderate during term 2 and term 4. This involves discussing work samples and identifying features of the achievement standard in various pieces of work.
- Benchmark information such as reading levels are used to determine how students are tracking against the achievement standard. (See Benchmark information)
- A-E grades are given to students based on the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards
- In the ACT a C grade means that the student is on track (half yearly) or has demonstrated (end of year) the year level achievement standard.
- An A or B grade - the student has demonstrated an above or outstanding understanding of their year level achievement standard.
For further information on national testing, please go to Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority
Formal Reporting Timeline
- Term 1 – Progress Report of Student Achievement
- Interview on request by class teacher
- Mini Learning Journey
- Term 2 - A-E and Written Reports with interview
- Term 3 - Learning Journey
- Term 4 - A-E and Written Report
Informal Reporting
Parents/Carers are welcome to make an appointment with the class teacher or a member of the executive team via the front office at any time they wish to discuss any aspect of their child's academic progress or social/emotional development.